Looking for an effective and minimally-invasive procedure to get the weight management results you desire? Include lipolysis in your treatment options, and see the difference.

Looking for an effective and minimally-invasive procedure to get the weight management results you desire? Include lipolysis in your treatment options, and see the difference.


Lipolysis is a form of cosmetic surgery in which fat cells are broken down and the volume of fatty tissues in the body is reduced using a nonsurgical injection approach. The skin around the treatment area is also tightened as a result of this procedure. This treatment is currently the most cost-effective non-surgical, fat-reduction option available and also a viable option for those who are bothered by fatty deposits but do not want to undergo surgical liposuction.

  • Undesired fats in certain body parts

Here’s what you should avoid doing:

  • Taking blood-thinning and inflammatory medications before the procedure
  • Shaving, waxing, or any other hair removal procedure within the lipolysis target areas

It’s also best to talk to your doctor about the health risks to expect and any concerns you may have about your medical history and how it may affect the procedure.


Lipolysis modifies your body’s shape and form by using injections to break down fat deposits in your target areas. Fat is dissolved through injections and safely goes through the body’s normal metabolic process. Lipolysis injections require local anesthesia before the procedure.

Lipolysis injection takes 3-4 courses and 6-8 weeks following injection.


Patients can return to their normal daily activities after treatment, but this will depend on the severity of their pain, the area treated, and the type of work they undertake.

The area may appear fuller than before treatment during the swelling stage, but as the fat cells are destroyed and the inflammation diminishes, most patients experience improvements 6 to 8 weeks following surgery. If you eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly, the results will last a lifetime.


For a while, patients may experience slight pain and bruising within the treated areas. There’s no need to worry, though, as these effects will go away with time. For any other suspicious symptoms post-treatment, call your doctor.

MY Health Care & Aesthetics is the best one out there for lipolysis treatment. Make an appointment today.